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Defined Word Print & Play Expansion – Beta v1.0


Defined Word is an expansion to Wordwright in the making where you are prompted to solve wholly unique word puzzles. Players work solo or together to deduce what word part a group of definitions share or to identify words based on definitions.

Download this free Print & Play beta version, and if you want to be a part of building it out to make it great, email us at and we’ll welcome you to our team.

SKU: wwdwv12016pp

Defined Word is a word puzzle game system that works with Wordwright cards. Defined Word cards have a root word part printed on one side with its etymology and spelling variations. Below are five words that use that word part. On the other side of the card are the definitions of those five words.

You can use Defined Word cards with Wordwright cards in a number of ways:

  • Treat each card as a puzzle: Solve solitaire or collaboratively — Read the definitions and deduce which Wordwright root word those definitions have in common. Once identified, build words by placing Wordwright affixes on either side of the root to solve each of the five definitions.
  • Race to solve a single card: Place the Wordwright root word part with the matching Defined Word card. Players now race to solve the five definitions by placing Wordwright prefix and suffix cards on either side of the root card. Check the solutions on the back. Whoever solves the most words wins.
  • Race to solve several cards: Place as many Defined Word cards in play as there are players, and players race to claim a card by correctly matching it with its Wordwright root card by deducing which card it is from the definitions. Players now individually work to solve the words by competing over Wordwright prefix and suffix cards. The first player to solve all five definitions on their card wins.
  • Teachers can quiz students using the definitions on the back of the card to see if they build the words using the root and any affixes found in the Wordwright deck.
  • English language learners can get a better grasp of word evolution by simply studying the cards to pick up new words and seeing how the word parts give meaning to words.
  • Included in the Print & Play are several blank cards to add your own definitions and words to expand the game. Let us know your favorites so we can build out Defined Word into a much larger set.
  • Invent your own ways to play and tell us about it. Drop us an email at: